Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Where's a gnome when you need one?

I had my first real run-in with trolls on blogspot today.  (Luckily not on my blog)  I don't know why but I just assumed the troll problem wasn't as severe here.  And I still kind of stand by that statement (nothing beats the WoW forums).  But I was still kind of shocked to see my inbox explode overnight.

I know I've been on here a couple months now, but I still feel like a noob sometimes.  I'm used to LJ automatically keeping track of what I post to and emailing me the responses.  So 9 times out of 10 I forget to subscribe to blogs I commented on or check back later for responses.  Sometimes even if I remember to subscribe, I don't because the blog generates so many comments that it will flood my inbox (even without trolls).  I really wish blogger had a nesting feature so I'd only get the comments that were direct replies to mine.

Anyway, I was having an engaging conversation in one of the blogs I read and decided to subscribe so that I could stay on top of things for once.  I wake up this morning to find 40 new emails from this blog alone!  The blog has already been purged of  the name-calling, swear word laced rubbish, but there it was in my inbox in all its glory.  It was so bizarre.  I felt like I was privy to some clandestine information or something.  But it was also a bit of a deterrent from trying the subscribe feature again, at least for a little while.


  1. Steve, I don't mind if people who enjoy my blog ask me to take a look at theirs... but seeing as how you're not one of my followers, this comes across as pure solicitation (and possibly proselytization now that I see your blog's subject matter). I'm sorry but that's a bit rude and... well, I was going to say inappropriate and off topic, but I kind of enjoy the meta-irony of trolling a post about trolling. :P

  2. How... oddly appropriate that comment was.
